retreats/workshops 2025
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international songwriters retreat, Gotland 2025
Gotland International Songwriters Retreat, Sweden
4 -11 May 2025 - Fullbokat/ fully booked!
Vi har glädjen att ha ett fullbokat Retreat 2025. Vill du sätta dig på väntelista hör av dig till [email protected]!
Nu är det dags igen för ett nytt Songwriters Retreat på Gotland! De tidigare åren har varit en succé, med nöjda deltagare och många nya samarbetsprojekt, turnéer och skivinspelningar. Deltagare från tidigare år har genom de kontakter de skapat under retreatet, spelat in skivor och turnerat i USA och andra länder. Många av de samskrivna sångerna har hamnat på utgivna skivor.
Holmhällar är en sagolikt vacker plats för låtskriveri. Här inspireras vi av hav, vindpinade tallar, raukar, fågelliv, magiskt ljus och en dedikerad grupp människor fyllda av musik.
Årets veckolånga retreat kommer att samla 20 professionella låtskrivare och vara fokuserad på inspiration, co-writing och utvecklandet av ditt musikaliska konstnärskap. Varje år har vi en Invited Writer, en etablerad internationell låtskrivare. 2025 års Invited Writer är meriterade TOM KIMMEL från Memphis, USA. Tom har en imponerande CV, med sina låtar inspelade av artister som Johnny Cash, Shawn Colvin, Joe Cocker, Waylon Jennings, Levon Helm, Linda Ronstadt, Dianne Reeves, Art Garfunkel. Dessutom medverkar hans musik i filmer och TV-shower.
Early Bird enkel rum (anmäl dig innan 31/12) 11.400
Early Bird delat rum (anmäl dig innan 31/12) 10.400
Pris ISR 25 enkelrum 12.000
Pris ISR 25 delat rum 11.000
Priset för Retreatet inkluderar:
Delat rum / alt. enkelrum med dusch, plus ett litet enkelt kök
Lakan och handduk
God lunch från a la carte
Middag varje dag på pensionat Holmhällar på södra Gotland.
Workshops varje dag
Konsert - där de nya sångerna presenteras
Workshopen innehåller följande aktiviteter:
Varje dag samlas deltagarna i en cirkel och spelar upp sånger för varandra, skrivna tidigare eller i co-writes under kursen.
Assigned co-writes:
Vi arbetar med inspirationsuppgifter och skrivövningar. Deltagarna delas in i låtskrivarpar, och dagen ägnas åt att skriva tillsammans. Materialet spelas sedan upp i song-circles.
Body and voice warmup:
Varje dag inleds med kropp och röst uppvärmning.
Morning Circle:
Varje dag har vi en välkomst-cirkel med olika övningar.
En officiell konsert för publik sker på Pensional Holmhällar i slutet av veckan, då vi spelar våra nyskrivna sånger.
För att säkra en plats behöver vi höra skriftligen från dig (e-mail fungerar bra) och
erhålla en anmälningsavgift på 1000 SEK.
Behöver du dela upp betalningen går det att ordna. Hör av dig isåfall.
Vi svarar gärna på dina frågor.
Vi ses på Gotland i maj!
Annika Fehling [email protected] 0708 46 72 03
Eva Hillered [email protected]
Gotland International Songwriters Retreat, Sweden 2025
May 4 - 11! Fully Booked!
The Retreat in May 2025 is now fully booked. If you wish to get on the waiting list, please let us know
on email: [email protected]!
Now it's time for a new Songwriters Retreat Gotland!
The past years have been a success, with satisfied participants and many new collaborations, tours and recordings. 2024 year's week-long retreat will bring together up to 20 professional songwriters and stay focused on the inspiration, co-writing and development of your musical artistry.
Participants from previous events have, through the contacts they made in co-writing-retreat, recorded albums and toured the U.S. and other countries, and many of the co-written songs that was created has ended up on released records. Every year we invite an internationally acclaimed songwriter. Our Invited Writer 2025 is TOM KIMMEL, from Memphis, USA. Tom has an impressive CV, with songs coverd by Grammy-winning artists like Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Levon Helm, Linda Ronstadt, Dianne Reeves, Art
Garfunkel, Joe Cocker and more, as well as music featured in a number of films and TV-shows.
Early Bird single room (sign up before 31/12) 11.400 SEK
Early Bird shared room (sign up before 31/12) 10.400 SEK
Price ISR 25 single room 12.000 SEK
Price ISR 25 shared room 11.000 SEK
The price includes a shared room/ alt. single, with shower, plus a small kitchen.
Sheets and towel
Lunch from the a la carte
Dinner every day of boarding Holmhällar on southern Gotland.
The Concert where the new songs are presented.
The workshop includes the following activities:
Participant gather in a circle and play songs for each other, previously written or co-writes during the course.
Assigned co-writes:
With the help of the participants' preferences the leaders pairs the songwriters into songwriting pairs, and most of the day is devoted to writing together. The material is played in song-circles.
Body and Voice warmup:
We start the day with a body&voice warm up.
Morning Circle:
There is a daily welcome circle.
Retreat- Concert:
An official concert will take place at the end of the week, where the newly written songs will be played.
In order to secure a place we need to hear from you in writing (e-mail works well) and receive
an application fee of 1000 SEK.
We can make a paymentplan, thats whats needed to make your attendance possible.
Hope to see you!
Annika Fehling [email protected] +46 70846 72 03
Eva Hillered [email protected]
4 -11 May 2025 - Fullbokat/ fully booked!
Vi har glädjen att ha ett fullbokat Retreat 2025. Vill du sätta dig på väntelista hör av dig till [email protected]!
Nu är det dags igen för ett nytt Songwriters Retreat på Gotland! De tidigare åren har varit en succé, med nöjda deltagare och många nya samarbetsprojekt, turnéer och skivinspelningar. Deltagare från tidigare år har genom de kontakter de skapat under retreatet, spelat in skivor och turnerat i USA och andra länder. Många av de samskrivna sångerna har hamnat på utgivna skivor.
Holmhällar är en sagolikt vacker plats för låtskriveri. Här inspireras vi av hav, vindpinade tallar, raukar, fågelliv, magiskt ljus och en dedikerad grupp människor fyllda av musik.
Årets veckolånga retreat kommer att samla 20 professionella låtskrivare och vara fokuserad på inspiration, co-writing och utvecklandet av ditt musikaliska konstnärskap. Varje år har vi en Invited Writer, en etablerad internationell låtskrivare. 2025 års Invited Writer är meriterade TOM KIMMEL från Memphis, USA. Tom har en imponerande CV, med sina låtar inspelade av artister som Johnny Cash, Shawn Colvin, Joe Cocker, Waylon Jennings, Levon Helm, Linda Ronstadt, Dianne Reeves, Art Garfunkel. Dessutom medverkar hans musik i filmer och TV-shower.
Early Bird enkel rum (anmäl dig innan 31/12) 11.400
Early Bird delat rum (anmäl dig innan 31/12) 10.400
Pris ISR 25 enkelrum 12.000
Pris ISR 25 delat rum 11.000
Priset för Retreatet inkluderar:
Delat rum / alt. enkelrum med dusch, plus ett litet enkelt kök
Lakan och handduk
God lunch från a la carte
Middag varje dag på pensionat Holmhällar på södra Gotland.
Workshops varje dag
Konsert - där de nya sångerna presenteras
Workshopen innehåller följande aktiviteter:
Varje dag samlas deltagarna i en cirkel och spelar upp sånger för varandra, skrivna tidigare eller i co-writes under kursen.
Assigned co-writes:
Vi arbetar med inspirationsuppgifter och skrivövningar. Deltagarna delas in i låtskrivarpar, och dagen ägnas åt att skriva tillsammans. Materialet spelas sedan upp i song-circles.
Body and voice warmup:
Varje dag inleds med kropp och röst uppvärmning.
Morning Circle:
Varje dag har vi en välkomst-cirkel med olika övningar.
En officiell konsert för publik sker på Pensional Holmhällar i slutet av veckan, då vi spelar våra nyskrivna sånger.
För att säkra en plats behöver vi höra skriftligen från dig (e-mail fungerar bra) och
erhålla en anmälningsavgift på 1000 SEK.
Behöver du dela upp betalningen går det att ordna. Hör av dig isåfall.
Vi svarar gärna på dina frågor.
Vi ses på Gotland i maj!
Annika Fehling [email protected] 0708 46 72 03
Eva Hillered [email protected]
Gotland International Songwriters Retreat, Sweden 2025
May 4 - 11! Fully Booked!
The Retreat in May 2025 is now fully booked. If you wish to get on the waiting list, please let us know
on email: [email protected]!
Now it's time for a new Songwriters Retreat Gotland!
The past years have been a success, with satisfied participants and many new collaborations, tours and recordings. 2024 year's week-long retreat will bring together up to 20 professional songwriters and stay focused on the inspiration, co-writing and development of your musical artistry.
Participants from previous events have, through the contacts they made in co-writing-retreat, recorded albums and toured the U.S. and other countries, and many of the co-written songs that was created has ended up on released records. Every year we invite an internationally acclaimed songwriter. Our Invited Writer 2025 is TOM KIMMEL, from Memphis, USA. Tom has an impressive CV, with songs coverd by Grammy-winning artists like Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Levon Helm, Linda Ronstadt, Dianne Reeves, Art
Garfunkel, Joe Cocker and more, as well as music featured in a number of films and TV-shows.
Early Bird single room (sign up before 31/12) 11.400 SEK
Early Bird shared room (sign up before 31/12) 10.400 SEK
Price ISR 25 single room 12.000 SEK
Price ISR 25 shared room 11.000 SEK
The price includes a shared room/ alt. single, with shower, plus a small kitchen.
Sheets and towel
Lunch from the a la carte
Dinner every day of boarding Holmhällar on southern Gotland.
The Concert where the new songs are presented.
The workshop includes the following activities:
Participant gather in a circle and play songs for each other, previously written or co-writes during the course.
Assigned co-writes:
With the help of the participants' preferences the leaders pairs the songwriters into songwriting pairs, and most of the day is devoted to writing together. The material is played in song-circles.
Body and Voice warmup:
We start the day with a body&voice warm up.
Morning Circle:
There is a daily welcome circle.
Retreat- Concert:
An official concert will take place at the end of the week, where the newly written songs will be played.
In order to secure a place we need to hear from you in writing (e-mail works well) and receive
an application fee of 1000 SEK.
We can make a paymentplan, thats whats needed to make your attendance possible.
Hope to see you!
Annika Fehling [email protected] +46 70846 72 03
Eva Hillered [email protected]
WORKSHOPS by Annika Fehling
This workshop is also possible as a Zoom-workshop On-Line
3 hours
writing exercises and composing
For more info; contact Annika at annika(at)
FOR YOU / Interpretation och Scenframställning
In this workshop we explore preparing body- and voicework for stage performance, and also
bring a song of choice / of your own- to work with for the interpretation. Annika uses several different techniques, along with her developed Stage Presence Method, both for body and voice, to "open up" and be fully present, good tecniques to use when you are on stage, in talks as well as in singing.
In the Performance&Interpretation workshops we start out with presence training,
body&voice through Alexander Teqnique, Mirka method, and the Stage Presence Method I've developed.
Then we do the Masterclass where the participants have prepared a song
( Song of Choice. If you are a songwriter, prefarably one of your own songs...)
I work with one at a time ( the others are audience) with expression and performance. Depending on time and number of participants , about 15 min/each. We all learn and connect.
Participants: Singers, Songwriters, performers, actors, speech-holders, choir singers....etc...
1,5 - 3 hours, depending on the size
of group. 5-10 people doing solo-songs .
(Flexible to forming the workshop in time and size.)
The solo-singers need to prepare a song they want to sing.
An accompanist is needed for the solo-singers (piano or guitar) (not required)
Price: contact [email protected]
Workshop för körer
- Performance and Interpretation with Annika Fehling (SE)
Most choirs have members who sings solo-parts and solo-songs.
This is an inspirational workshop to get new tools into the singing.
Its done as a Master Class - which means the whole choir can participate for some of the excercises, and when Annika works ”one-on-one”, the rest can be audience, and learn from their fellow members work.
With Annikas background as a trained actress, she has worked with many methods for stage-presence and interpretation, for example Alexander Tecnique, Qi Gong, Mirka Method, RC. This workshop is very "hands-on", in the form of a Master Class, where Annika will work with the whole group first, and then one on one, in front of the group.
1,5 - 3 hours, depending on the size
of group. 5-10 people doing solo-songs .
(Flexible to forming the workshop in time and size.)
The solo-singers need to prepare a song they want to sing.
An accompanist is needed for the solo-singers (piano or guitar) (not required)
Price: contact [email protected]
"Thank you so much, Annika, for Friday's workshop in Tartu! I was deeply moved by your work, by your personality and most of all by your soul. In these past few years I have met so many inspiring women, but I have never felt something so deep. I felt your sage wolf soul which marked me deeply. You truly are a gift of heaven! Thank you!"
Birgid Tädht, Estonia
Annika Fehling is a touring Swedish singer/songwriter, composer, artist, event producer, guest teacher and consultant. Currently touring with the Gotlandic trio AFT (Annika Fehling Trio) and with the trio Glimra, as well as solo artist, she has played in over 15 countries to date, released 13 CD albums, and produced over 300 shows, festivals and events working with over 500 artists from the whole world.
Annika founded the Living Room Concert Series in Visby, Gotland and in Stockholm, in 2004,
and the Visby Singer Songwriter Festival (now called the VisbyFestival) in 2006.
Founded and continues the annual Gotland International Songwriter Retreat in 2004, together with partners Brett Perkins and Eva Hillered, and co-produced the Estonian Songwriter Retreat in 2015, as well as a the Crete International Songwriters Retreat in Lendas,Crete 2016.
She has written for and participated in the Swedish Song Contest, is a featured guest and has many co-written songs on other artists records, writes music for the critical acclaimed theatre Unga Roma in Gotland, and for exhibitions.
Annika has a broad and long experience as an artist, composer, musician, and actress.
She started out studying Theatre Art and has delved into methods as the Alexander technique, Mirka Method, Stage presence, Blekte Method, Yoga, Chi Gong, Reevalution Councelling, Singing Techniques ; all of these methods that she uses and teaches, alongside with her 20 years experience as a songwriter, in workshops, courses, seminars and Retreats.
Annika har en bred och lång erfarenhet som artist.
Först som skådespelare - i fria teatergrupper, på Dramaten och i filmer. Därefter som musiker och då i rollen som sångerska, låtskrivare och instrumentalist, och sedan 15 år tillbaka även som producent och eldsjäl bakom projekt som International Songwriters Retreats, Visbyfestivalen, Living Room, Club Acoustic och Visby Musik&PoesiFestival.
Sin erfarenhet och kunskap förmedlar hon via föredrag, kurser, seminarier och retreats.
More workhops:
Workshop for Choirs - performance & Interpretation
Body and Voice and Stagepresence / Kropp & Röst och Scennärvaro
Songwriting Workshop / Låtskrivning (skrivarövningar, co-writing, sångcirklar, feedback)
From Dream to Reality : Goals and Visons / Från Dröm till Verklighet: Målsättning och vision
Artist Coaching
Sagt om Annika.. SAID ABOUT ANNIKA
" Thank you so much, Annika, for Friday's workshop in Tartu! I was deeply moved by your work, by your personality and most of all by your soul. In these past few years I have met so many inspiring women, but I have never felt something so deep. I felt your sage wolf soul which marked me deeply. You truly are a gift of heaven! Thank you "
Birgid Tädht, Estonia
"You did a wonderful job as a work shop leader last week-end. I enjoyed it very much and especially the speed coaching sessions impressed me.
You were so focused and precise in all 7 or 8 sessions and your technique with responding personally and emotionally on the lyrics made a significant change in the expressions – simple and effect full – very good work -thanks a lot. The concert at Stars was a lovely experience too – as Mick said: “Du synger pissegodt” – and you’re a great songwriter too, I’m very happy and grateful to know you – you rock!!!"
Kalle Kjemtrup
"I know that I told you that you sing "Pisse godt" during our weekend, but I didn't say strongly enough that I think that you are a VERY, VERY !! competant teacher. Tottaly professional in every way!
But I'd also like to add that you are a VERY lovely person to be with, and I'm sure that 99% of the people who have been on your workshops or seen you perform, think the same as I do about you. I wish you a lot of succes with your latest CD and the whole of your career, in every way! You deserve it! From the heart, Mick "
Mick Mahony, Denmark
"Annika Fehling höll en inspirerande Workshop i Vordingsborg, Danmark.
Hennes engagemang omfattar alla aspekter av funktioner inom songwriter tradition, och hon öste generöst ut sin kunskap.
Konkret hade hon framgång med sin egenskapsupplevelser där hon undervisat andra i kropp, koncentration och delvis andning / röst funktioner.
Eftermiddagen "interpretation " där flera deltagit som försökskaniner, var en mycket speciell upplevelse, eftersom Annika tydligt uppmärksammade den presenterade tolkningen, och förtydligade denna än mer.
De två "co-write" sessioner fungerade speciellt mycket bra. Den första, som bygger på texten och den andra baseras på ett "Melody spel" var mycket givande.
Personligt tillägg är att jag nu har verktyg för att hitta melodier, som jag annars har haft svårt med, och att mina scenframträndanden har förstärkts. "
Per M Hermansen, Sangskriver & Visetolker.
"Thank you so much, Annika, for Friday's workshop in Tartu! I was deeply moved by your work, by your personality and most of all by your soul. In these past few years I have met so many inspiring women, but I have never felt something so deep. I felt your sage wolf soul which marked me deeply. You truly are a gift of heaven! Thank you!"
Birgid Tädht, Estonia
Annika Fehling is a touring Swedish singer/songwriter, composer, artist, event producer, guest teacher and consultant. Currently touring with the Gotlandic trio AFT (Annika Fehling Trio) and with the trio Glimra, as well as solo artist, she has played in over 15 countries to date, released 13 CD albums, and produced over 300 shows, festivals and events working with over 500 artists from the whole world.
Annika founded the Living Room Concert Series in Visby, Gotland and in Stockholm, in 2004,
and the Visby Singer Songwriter Festival (now called the VisbyFestival) in 2006.
Founded and continues the annual Gotland International Songwriter Retreat in 2004, together with partners Brett Perkins and Eva Hillered, and co-produced the Estonian Songwriter Retreat in 2015, as well as a the Crete International Songwriters Retreat in Lendas,Crete 2016.
She has written for and participated in the Swedish Song Contest, is a featured guest and has many co-written songs on other artists records, writes music for the critical acclaimed theatre Unga Roma in Gotland, and for exhibitions.
Annika has a broad and long experience as an artist, composer, musician, and actress.
She started out studying Theatre Art and has delved into methods as the Alexander technique, Mirka Method, Stage presence, Blekte Method, Yoga, Chi Gong, Reevalution Councelling, Singing Techniques ; all of these methods that she uses and teaches, alongside with her 20 years experience as a songwriter, in workshops, courses, seminars and Retreats.
Annika har en bred och lång erfarenhet som artist.
Först som skådespelare - i fria teatergrupper, på Dramaten och i filmer. Därefter som musiker och då i rollen som sångerska, låtskrivare och instrumentalist, och sedan 15 år tillbaka även som producent och eldsjäl bakom projekt som International Songwriters Retreats, Visbyfestivalen, Living Room, Club Acoustic och Visby Musik&PoesiFestival.
Sin erfarenhet och kunskap förmedlar hon via föredrag, kurser, seminarier och retreats.
More workhops:
Workshop for Choirs - performance & Interpretation
Body and Voice and Stagepresence / Kropp & Röst och Scennärvaro
Songwriting Workshop / Låtskrivning (skrivarövningar, co-writing, sångcirklar, feedback)
From Dream to Reality : Goals and Visons / Från Dröm till Verklighet: Målsättning och vision
Artist Coaching
Sagt om Annika.. SAID ABOUT ANNIKA
" Thank you so much, Annika, for Friday's workshop in Tartu! I was deeply moved by your work, by your personality and most of all by your soul. In these past few years I have met so many inspiring women, but I have never felt something so deep. I felt your sage wolf soul which marked me deeply. You truly are a gift of heaven! Thank you "
Birgid Tädht, Estonia
"You did a wonderful job as a work shop leader last week-end. I enjoyed it very much and especially the speed coaching sessions impressed me.
You were so focused and precise in all 7 or 8 sessions and your technique with responding personally and emotionally on the lyrics made a significant change in the expressions – simple and effect full – very good work -thanks a lot. The concert at Stars was a lovely experience too – as Mick said: “Du synger pissegodt” – and you’re a great songwriter too, I’m very happy and grateful to know you – you rock!!!"
Kalle Kjemtrup
"I know that I told you that you sing "Pisse godt" during our weekend, but I didn't say strongly enough that I think that you are a VERY, VERY !! competant teacher. Tottaly professional in every way!
But I'd also like to add that you are a VERY lovely person to be with, and I'm sure that 99% of the people who have been on your workshops or seen you perform, think the same as I do about you. I wish you a lot of succes with your latest CD and the whole of your career, in every way! You deserve it! From the heart, Mick "
Mick Mahony, Denmark
"Annika Fehling höll en inspirerande Workshop i Vordingsborg, Danmark.
Hennes engagemang omfattar alla aspekter av funktioner inom songwriter tradition, och hon öste generöst ut sin kunskap.
Konkret hade hon framgång med sin egenskapsupplevelser där hon undervisat andra i kropp, koncentration och delvis andning / röst funktioner.
Eftermiddagen "interpretation " där flera deltagit som försökskaniner, var en mycket speciell upplevelse, eftersom Annika tydligt uppmärksammade den presenterade tolkningen, och förtydligade denna än mer.
De två "co-write" sessioner fungerade speciellt mycket bra. Den första, som bygger på texten och den andra baseras på ett "Melody spel" var mycket givande.
Personligt tillägg är att jag nu har verktyg för att hitta melodier, som jag annars har haft svårt med, och att mina scenframträndanden har förstärkts. "
Per M Hermansen, Sangskriver & Visetolker.